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Joseph has developed a unique four-fingered right-hand technique that allows him to reproduce on cittern a full range of ornamentation that gives Celtic music its characteristic lift and swing. Now in this long-awaited follow-up CD he offers a suite of driving reels, jumping jigs, reflective harp tunes, breathtaking ballads and song-settings of well-loved American poems by Frost (“The Pasture,” “Road Not Taken”) and Millay (“Recuerdo”). Featuring a stellar cast of guest musicians, “Citternity” brings the Celtic cittern to a whole new level—and beyond….
Genre: Folk: Celtic Fusion
Release Date: 2013

"Cast a Cold Eye" brings alive the towering later work of the greatest of Irish poets, William Butler Yeats, through a cycle of gorgeous song settings by composer Joseph Sobol and the brilliant singing and playing of the band Kiltartan Road.
Genre: Folk: Celtic Fusion
Release Date: 2004

Joseph Sobol is recognized internationally as one of the foremost exponents of the modern cittern, and his 1999 release, “Citternalia” dramatically extends the musical and technical range of the cittern in Irish traditional music.
It was hailed by Acoustic Guitar Magazine as “a watershed project,” a CD that dramatically extended the musical and technical range of the contemporary cittern in Irish traditional music.
Genre: Folk: Celtic Folk
Release Date: 1999

"In the Deep Heart's Core, Vol. 1: I Am of Ireland" is the first half of a remarkable cycle of song settings by composer Joseph Sobol of the magnificent youthful poetry of William Butler Yeats, the folk-influenced poet of the Celtic Twilight.
Genre: Folk: Celtic Fusion
Release Date: 2004

The Storytellers Journey
Release Date: 1999
The Storytellers' Journey, Joseph Daniel Sobol's history of the past thirty years of American storytelling. In this compelling examination of the contemporary search for myth, Sobol explores the social and psychological roots of the storytelling revival and the ever-resurgent power of the storyteller.
Purchase direct from the artist or at Illinois University Press.

An exciting blend of old and new Christmas and Winter songs, stories and tunes. Featuring the beautiful, evocative voice of Kathy Cowan, the stunning cittern playing, louminous original songs, and innovative arrangements of Joseph Sobol, the warm tones of baritone Tom Orf, and a full traditional band.
Available only from the artist.

The House Between Earth and Sky
Release Date: 2005
Purchase direct from the artist or on Amazon.com